Our Pastor

Our Pastor

Anthony Paredes

I was lost for most of my life, and I lived like it. I lived in the world, desperately searching for something that was missing. I longed to fill the emptiness I carried inside with all the world had to offer, only to find the same emptiness and darkness. Praise God, I had a mother and father who never stopped praying for me. In 2014, my mom asked a friend of hers if she would put my name in the offering plate and have the pastor go buy and visit me. Pastor Robb Foreman began to come by my house for four months straight to invite me to church. After four months, Pastor Robb sent me a letter telling me he would really like for us to come and visit the church. The following Sunday, my family and I were in church, and the Sunday after that, my wife and I got saved. GOD GAVE ME LIFE! I found what I was missing my whole life. From that day forward, I was in church when the doors were open. I had given away so much of my life to the world that I had a lot of catching up to do. I began to follow my pastor around. I starting ushering, going soul winning, and visitation. In 2015, I surrendered my life to the LORD. I received Certificate of License of the Gospel Ministry in 2016 and was ordained November 14th, 2021. I serve the Lord with my wife Nicky Paredes, sixteen-year-old son Adrian, fifteen-year-old son Corey, and seven-year-old daughter Melody Paredes. God has given me a heart for missions, the outcast, the broken, and the lost.


Anthony Paredes
